The British Railway Clock Specialist
12-inch Walnut cased iron dial clock with drop to the case and a cast brass bezel manufactured for the South Eastern Railway circa 1867. The quality chain driven English fusee movement of typical London style has rectangular plates which are held together by turned tapered shouldered pillars, the back plate is stamped with the SER cartouche. A white enamel screen printed and hand painted dial displaying bold Roman numerals and the legend, B.R.(S). John Walker 1, South Molton St London 405.S.E. the rear of the dial is also stamped 405 in the top. A traditional English drop dial clock case manufactured from Walnut with a one piece turned convex surround affixed to the back box by two battens with four tapered pegs, the back box is of traditional mid 19th century design with two side access door’s and a bottom door with the lock removed and replaced with an ornate brass turn, the drop of the case features fine walnut veneer and the rear of the case has been stamped 405 SE and branded SER, the side door retains its original SER brass numberplate 405. The Southern clock records show that this clock was originally supplied to Marden Signal Cabin and then transferred to Netley station where it was used on the platform.